📄️ Introduction
Entropy is a physical phenomenon characterized by a curious law of physics:
📄️ How it works
In ENTROPY, miners generate 64 bits of random information at an average of once per hour. These 64 bits are passed to an oracle that measures the randomness of the information and rewards miners with a share of tokens minted in the current epoch. Theoretically, the measure of entropy for $N$ bits of information $x_i$, $i = 1,\dots,N$, is given by:
📄️ Why it works
Security model
📄️ Relationship to value
The question of value is always at the forefront of individual minds. Why do we do what we do?
📄️ Tokenomics
All tokens in the ENTROPY network are mined by miners.
📄️ Get started
To join ENTROPY, one may apply for a role as a miner by joining the Discord server:
🗃️ Firmware guides
4 items
📄️ Claiming
Claims of the ENTROPY token may be done at: